How to sell Ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook

How to sell Ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook

Facebook makes it easier for anyone and everyone to become an entrepreneur these days. You can easily sell any product from the comfort of your home or store to a person who is a thousand and one miles away.

Ready-to-wear dresses are one of these products you can sell on Facebook. Compared to older times, when ready-made clothing was a choice of the wealthy and renowned, the demand for such type of clothing is increasing daily.

In this article, I will walk you through what ready-to-wear dresses are, the advantages and disadvantages involved in choosing this niche, and how you can successfully sell your ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook.

What are ready-to-wear dresses?

The word “ready-to-wear” which is mostly abbreviated as “RTW” refers to any clothes that have already been made to standard sizes and are being marketed completely. It is distinct from bespoke and made-to-measure garments because of this. It differs from the mass-produced apparel you may get at high-street stores, though.

advantages of choosing the ready-to-wear niche to sell on Facebook?

There are many advantages to choosing to sell ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook. some of which are:

  1. Ready-made clothing is easily available: You do not need to wait to find a reputable tailor, purchase your preferred fabric, and then wait for your much-needed outfit to be finished.
  2. A range of designs and materials are available in ready-made clothing: There is an unmatched variety of materials and designs to pick from because ready-made clothing is widely available and has a large market.
  3. Saves a lot of time: You don’t have to start by purchasing the fabric, then search for a reputable tailor, provide your measurements, and wait for the finished item. With ready-made clothing, it happens instantly.
  4. You receive the most recent fashion trends: This may be one of the main drivers of ready-made clothing’s success. Leading clothing manufacturers hire top-tier designers and fashion experts to develop their clothes before entering mass production and then mass-producing ready-made clothing.


For every advantage, there are disadvantages, some of the disadvantages of selling ready-to-wear dresses are:

  1. They are more costly than clothes created at home or by tailors: Some ready-to-wear dresses are quite pricey and this is usually due to the cost of production, coupled with the cost of shipping into the country.
  2. Some ready-made clothing may have stitching and materials of subpar quality. therefore, you need to be very cautious of quality when buying your RTW dresses so you don’t sell low-quality to your customers.
  3. Sizes might be a problem: Sometimes you could want a dress but have to pass it up since you don’t have the right size.

How do you sell your ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook?

The market segment you select, the branding you develop, the quality of not only your clothes goods but also your Facebook page and website, the level of customer service you offer, and your referral methods will all affect how successful your ready-to-wear business is on Facebook

Below are some step-by-step processes you can follow to effectively sell your ready-to-wear dresses on Facebook.

Select a business model for your online clothing store:

You need to choose your online clothes business model now that you are aware of your fashion niche and its advantages and disadvantages. Online retailers of garments and textiles operate under one of these four categories:

  • Print-on-demand
  • Individual cut-and-sew
  • private brand
  • Dropshipping

This is the stage where you choose whether to establish your clothes business utilizing a manufacturer, white labelling, or drop shipping. You should make your choice based on your business needs.

The main goal of your fashion shop, your budget, your abilities, and your capacity to hire a team should all be taken into consideration when deciding which online business model to use. Each model has advantages and disadvantages.

Take creative and quality pictures of your products:

When taking pictures of your ready-to-wear clothing, there are two possibilities. The clothing item can first be hung up in front of a white wall while you shoot the picture. You might even wear the item yourself or a model and have a photo taken of you in front of a plain background.

Be sure to capture both the front and back of each item of clothing while taking shots of your attire. It’s crucial to take images of high quality. They ought to be sharp and have a simple backdrop.

Create sponsored posts:

One of the best advertising tools for Facebook is sponsored posts. You can tailor your adverts to reach the precise audience you want to reach when you make sponsored posts on any of the sites.

It’s an ad that was made utilizing a post from your Facebook company page. You may boost or promote your post to increase exposure and help it reach new and/or bigger audiences on your Facebook business page. You can find out more here.

You can scale your ready-to-wear business on Facebook using all these points shared in this article and on this blog too.

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