How 5 Nigerian Cities Are Going Green and Cutting Extra Costs

Going green and cutting Costs in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa and has a population of more than 160 million. It’s no secret that Nigeria is experiencing a severe energy crisis. The current crisis started with the introduction of power supply through generators, which was meant to be temporary but turned into an endless source of problems.

To keep pace with rising populations, many cities are looking at ways to go green and cut down on extra costs. The country has gone through several attempts at solving its energy problem but none of them hardly proved successful.

That’s why cities are going green, looking at ways to cut costs and save energy, but they have to be smart about it. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the innovative ways Nigerian cities are going green and cutting extra costs.

Benefits of going green

  • Reduce carbon footprint:

Many cities are committed to reducing their carbon footprint, by increasing the efficiency of their waste disposal system and reusing materials.

  • Reduce costs:

Going green can reduce operating costs for businesses that use renewable energy sources, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Improve the quality of life:

Green spaces provide much-needed relief from noise pollution and traffic congestion in many areas around the world, especially those with large populations like Lagos.

  • Improve health:

Exposure to natural sunlight helps protect you against skin cancer by reducing sunburns while increasing vitamin D levels in your body (which is important for bone health). If you spend time outdoors regularly then you’ll also be getting some exercise since walking is good for overall fitness!

  • Reduce pollution:

Green spaces provide a natural filter for dust and other pollutants, as well as absorb emissions from vehicles and industry.

  • Promote biodiversity:

Planting trees helps provide habitats for insects, birds, and other animals that need a home in our increasingly urban world.

You’ll also be doing your part for the environment, improving quality of life, increasing health and productivity in the workplace, and enhancing social equity.

Now that you know what going green means—and why you should—let’s look at some ways that Nigerian cities are doing it:

Abakaliki has a recycling program

Abakaliki is the capital of Ebonyi State in Nigeria, and it’s known for its green initiatives. The city has an extensive recycling program that includes biodegradable waste bags and compost bins, as well as a waste management program to collect garbage from residents’ homes. Residents can also opt-out of this service if they prefer not to participate.

Abakaliki’s efforts toward sustainability have been praised by visitors who come to visit the city each year during their vacations; some even consider it one of their favorite destinations on Earth!

Uyo is at the forefront of solid waste management

Uyo is the capital of Akwa Ibom State. The city is going green with many green initiatives and has been at the forefront of solid waste management in Nigeria.

  • The state government built a solar park in 2012, which will generate electricity for over 60% of Uyo’s population. It also plans to build more solar parks as well as wind power plants across its cities.
  • In addition to these projects, they have also constructed biogas plants across all major townships in Akwa Ibom State so that residents no longer need charcoal for cooking or heating purposes since they can now use gas instead!

Also Read: All you need to know about insurance in Nigeria

Benin is home to many green spaces

Benin City is the capital of Edo State and it’s home to the largest city in Nigeria. It was founded by King Ewuare II, who ruled from 1550 until 1636. Today, Benin City is also known as “The Oba of Benin City” because he still lives here along with other members of his family.

Benin City is home to many green spaces that allow residents and visitors alike to enjoy nature while they are relaxing or traveling around town on foot or by bike (or even car). There are several parks throughout this area including:

  • Odo Iriri Park
  • Oba Adetunji Park

Lagos is looking to use more solar power

The city is implementing many different green initiatives to help improve the environment. For instance, Lagos has installed solar streetlights in some areas of the city so that people can have better lighting at night and reduce their carbon footprint with this renewable energy source!

The city is also going green with its waste collection service that picks up garbage from homes every week.

Lagos is going green because it has created a number of parks throughout the city that are open to the public. These parks are beautiful, and they provide residents with places to go and enjoy themselves while also keeping them safe from crime.

Port Harcourt has introduced bus lanes.

Port Harcourt is a city that has been struggling with air pollution and traffic congestion for years. In 2014, the Nigerian government announced plans to mitigate these issues by introducing bus lanes within the city limits.

This would allow buses to use dedicated lanes so they could travel more quickly on their routes without causing delays for other motorists or pedestrians.

The plan seems to be working: Port Harcourt now has one of the lowest levels of carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles in Nigeria (Nigeria’s Environmental Protection Agency estimates that they account for 3 percent).

The city also recently saw an 11% decrease in car ownership between 2012-2016—a trend indicative of greater public awareness about climate change issues among Nigerians living there who may have previously ignored them out of convenience or ignorance rather than concern over personal health risks associated with running such vehicles regularly.

Cities are using lots of innovative ways to go green.

Cities are looking for ways to cut costs, reduce pollution and resource use, and be more efficient and sustainable. They’re looking for ways to be more resilient in the face of natural disasters or economic downturns.

In response, cities across the world have started going green using new technology that can help them achieve these green initiatives goals – such as:

  • smart meters that allow people living in low-income areas to see how much electricity they are using so they can cut back on consumption if necessary;
  • solar panels on rooftops; building insulation programs;
  • composting programs; rainwater harvesting systems (which require no maintenance);
  • green roofs which increase air quality by filtering out toxins from exhaust fumes, etc.

Is your city going green?

We can all do our part to make our cities more sustainable and environmentally friendly. There are many benefits associated with green living: cost savings, healthier communities, and well-being for people living in those areas.

If you’re interested in learning about how your city is making these changes or want to start doing so yourself (or even if you’re just curious), here are some steps that will help get started:

Start by making small changes in your own life.

  • These can be as simple as recycling more often, turning off lights when you’re not using them, or even just installing a programmable thermostat. These little things can add up over time and make a big difference!
  • Conduct an audit of your home to see where you can cut back on energy use. For example, if you have air conditioning or heat that is constantly running even though nobody is home during the day (or overnight for that matter), consider purchasing a programmable thermostat to turn this feature off when no one is around. You’ll save money on your utility bill and reduce carbon emissions at the same time!
  • Build more eco-friendly buildings—if it’s possible for them to be built at all! This can be done by installing solar panels or rooftop gardens, or simply making sure that the building is energy-efficient.


The cities of the future will be places where people want to live and work, and where the environment is respected. Going green can help make that happen—and it’s already happening.

In this article, we shared with you some of the city projects that are making a difference in Nigeria, from Lagos to Port Harcourt. As you can see from these examples (and many others), there’s no reason why your city shouldn’t be doing its part as well!

The benefits of going green are endless, but it’s important to remember that the best way for cities to become more sustainable is by making sure everyone plays their part.

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