6 Ways to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft and Impersonation

There are many reasons to be concerned about identity theft and impersonation. It could mean that your personal information, including credit card numbers and bank account numbers, has been stolen. Or it could mean that someone is posing as you in an attempt to gain access to your accounts. If you’re worried about these types of threats, read on for some tips on how to protect yourself from identity theft and impersonation.

Lock your documents

  • Keep paper documents in a safe place. This is the most important step of all, and it’s also the easiest one to forget. If you have sensitive information on paper, make sure it’s locked away somewhere where only you can access it! You should also consider storing these papers in a fireproof safe or some other type of secure container (like an old filing cabinet). It’s so important not to leave any paperwork lying around that could be picked up by an unauthorized person at any moment even if they don’t take anything else from your home, leaving unsecured personal information could compromise your identity.

Use Strong Passwords and Change Them Frequently

Use a Password Manager

If you’re anything like me, it can be difficult to remember all of your passwords. That’s why I use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password that helps me generate strong, unique passwords for each site I visit and store them securely in the cloud. With these tools, you can even access them on other devices by logging in with their corresponding account information.

Use Strong Passwords and Change Them Frequently

It’s important to keep in mind that while strong passwords are good for keeping hackers at bay, they don’t necessarily mean that they’ll be easy for you to remember either! So when it comes time for changing passwords: change them often! Don’t use the same one twice (or ever), even if only temporarily – this makes things much more difficult on yourself later down the line because now there’s more than just one place where someone could try their hand at guessing yours!

Secure Your Mobile Phone and Similar Devices

  • Use a passcode to lock your phone.
  • Set up a remote wipe if you lose your phone.
  • Don’t store sensitive information on your phone.

If you have a smartwatch, make sure it is secured with security software like Wickr or Signal.

Keep Personal Information Personal

  • Don’t share your personal information with anyone:
  • Don’t carry your social security card or birth certificate with you all the time. If someone tries to use them as ID, they might get confused by the fact that they’re not yours and think that they’re fake.
  • Don’t leave your personal information lying around on your desk or in an email inbox when you’re finished using it—it could be stolen from there!
  • Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts (like banking accounts), because if one gets hacked, then all of them will be compromised too.

Report Identity Theft Right Away

If you have been the victim of identity theft, you should report it right away to your local police department. You should also contact your financial institution immediately so that they can take action on any fraudulent transactions in their system. The FIRS has information about filing a tax return after an identity theft incident which can help you get back on track with all of your taxes if possible.

It’s a good idea to be aware of what you do to protect yourself from identity theft and impersonation

The best way to keep your personal information private is by being aware of what you do and don’t share it with others.

  • If you’re sharing your credit card information, don’t put it on social media or in emails unless you have a secure password.
  • Don’t use the same passwords for every website that has access to your personal data—make sure they’re different so people can’t get into them easily!
  • Only give out information when necessary.

Also Read: 5 Important Tips to Protect Your Business From Fraud


So there you have it! The top six ways to protect yourself from identity theft and impersonation. It’s important to note that these are only the most common types of scams, so if you think your personal information may be in jeopardy, we recommend calling the police or contacting a trusted friend/family member for help.

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