5 Successful Life Coaches You Should Check Out

5 successful life coaches you should check out

Life coaching has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. A life coach can help you identify and achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and live a more fulfilling life. With so many life coaches out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we’ll introduce you to five successful life coaches you should check out.

1. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is perhaps one of the most well-known life coaches in the world. He has been helping people improve their lives for over 40 years and has worked with everyone from business leaders to professional athletes. Robbins is known for his high-energy style and his focus on taking action to achieve results.

One of the keys to Robbins’ success is his ability to help people change their mindsets. He teaches that our thoughts and beliefs shape our actions, and by changing the way we think, we can change our lives. Robbins also emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and taking massive action to achieve them.

2. Martha Beck

Martha Beck is a life coach, author, and speaker who has been featured in numerous media outlets, including O, The Oprah Magazine, and NPR. Beck’s coaching approach is based on the idea that our true selves are hidden beneath layers of societal conditioning and that by uncovering our true selves, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

One of the ways Beck helps clients uncover their true selves is through her “body compass” technique. This involves paying attention to physical sensations in the body, which can serve as a guide to what is truly important to us. Beck also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and acceptance and encourages clients to let go of judgment and shame.

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3. Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is a high-performance coach and author of several bestselling books, including “High-Performance Habits” and “The Motivation Manifesto.” Burchard’s coaching approach is based on the idea that success is not just about achieving goals but also about living a life of purpose and passion.

One of the keys to Burchard’s coaching success is his focus on clarity. He believes that in order to achieve success, we must have a clear understanding of our goals, our values, and our priorities. Burchard also emphasizes the importance of taking action and encourages clients to develop daily habits that support their goals and values.

4. Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle Bernstein is a spiritual teacher and author of several bestselling books, including “The Universe Has Your Back” and “Miracles Now.” Bernstein’s coaching approach is based on the principles of A Course in Miracles, which teaches that the key to happiness is to shift our perception from fear to love.

One of the ways Bernstein helps clients shift their perception is through her “Choose Again” method. This involves recognizing when we are in a negative thought pattern and choosing to shift our perception to a more positive one. Bernstein also emphasizes the importance of meditation and spiritual practices, which can help us connect to our inner wisdom and guidance.

5. Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is a life coach, author, and creator of the popular online program, B-School. Forleo’s coaching approach is based on the idea that we all have unique gifts and talents and that by sharing those gifts with the world, we can create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

One of the keys to Forleo’s coaching success is her focus on action. She encourages clients to take small steps every day toward their goals and to keep moving forward even when faced with obstacles. Forleo also emphasizes the importance of mindset and teaches clients how to overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate a positive attitude.


In conclusion, these five successful life coaches offer a variety of approaches and techniques to help you live a more fulfilling life. Look up them on Google and search for their videos on Youtube to draw from their wealth of wisdom.

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