Businesses are solely established to achieve certain goals which could be to primarily solve problems and ultimately make profits. In…
Tag: Guides
In this section, we share guides and rules we believe would help your grow and sustainable
Businesses are solely established to achieve certain goals which could be to primarily solve problems and ultimately make profits. In…
For Nigerian businesses, deciding on the easiest bank to open for your business might not be an easy task. You…
A SCUML certificate is the Special Control Unit against Money Laundering certificate issued to organizations in compliance with the provisions of the Act.
SCUML was created in response to the evolving techniques used by money launderers and financial criminals in order to counter their strategies.
A customer relationship is the foundation of your business, but it’s also something that can take time to build. To…
Your business account is one of the basic needs when it comes to business operations. Operating your financials through a dedicated business account makes your operations fluid.
If you have questions about what you need to open a Lenco account, this article will answer them for you. There are different requirements for different companies depending on how they are registered with CAC.
Make the switch to the business banking that finally works, bank cheaper, and more efficiently with Lenco!
A business having its own bank account comes with its benefits. There are other benefits of having a business bank account other than being able to fluidly perform your business transactions.
A partnership agreement is a written agreement between two or more individuals who intend to form and carry on a business for the purpose of making a profit.
Business owners oftentimes do not take bookkeeping as seriously as they should. Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions and…
Working on self-improvement requires you to collect the correct data and utilize them to make strides in your bookkeeping propensities. It all comes down to your choices.
So, are you prepared to put efforts into bringing your self-accounting skills to flawlessness? On the chance that the reply is yes, put these tips to good use and get closer to being proficient with accounting ability.
Not all risks are from harmful sources. Certain risks may come from positive sources or opportunities. While there might be an opportunity to grow your business, it might come with its own risks. There are risks attached to certain opportunities. You should strive to minimize the effects if you aim to manage risks in your small business.
You have a great product but you don’t know how to set the right price for it? The success or…
Business Banking that finally works!