How To Make Money as a Tech Blogger

Blogging has become a popular platform for individuals to share their knowledge, experiences, passions with the world while also making money on the side. According to reports from indeed, the average annual income of a blogger is $37,073. Exciting isn’t it?

One niche that has gained significant traction is tech blogging. So, are you a tech blogger looking to monetize your blog and turn your passion into a profitable venture, you’re in the right place. We have the winning combination to help you make money as a tech blogger while creating content that resonates with readers.

By the end of this comprehensive guide you will have a deep insight on how to make money as a tech blogger. Sit back, read and soak it all in

Who is a Tech Blogger?

A tech blogger is someone who specializes in writing and creating content related to technology. A tech blogger stays up-to-date with the latest trends, news, and products in the tech industry and share their insights, opinions, and expertise with their audience.

How Much Do Tech Bloggers Earn?

The income of tech bloggers can vary significantly depending on various factors, including audience size, niche, monetization strategies, and the blogger’s level of expertise and experience.

According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, the average annual salary for a tech blogger is $74898 in the US. However, it’s important to note that this figure represents the salary of full-time employed tech bloggers and may not reflect the earnings of independent bloggers who monetize their blogs through various methods.

Tech bloggers who have successfully built a large and engaged audience and have implemented effective monetization strategies can earn a substantial income. Some top tech bloggers reportedly earn six-figure incomes through a combination of advertising revenue, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and other income streams.

What Makes a Good Tech Blog?

To successfully monetize your tech blog, it’s crucial to understand what makes a good tech blog in the first place. Here are some key elements that contribute to a successful tech blog:

  1. Niche Focus: A good tech blog narrows down its focus to a specific niche within the broader tech industry. Whether it’s mobile devices, software development, cybersecurity, or gaming, having a niche allows you to build a targeted audience and establish yourself as an authority in that area.
  2. High-Quality Content: Providing valuable and informative content is essential for attracting and retaining readers. Your blog posts should be well-researched, well-written, and offer unique insights and perspectives. Use a variety of formats such as articles, tutorials, reviews, videos, and infographics to keep your content engaging and diverse.
  3. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Publishing regular updates and maintaining a consistent posting schedule helps build trust with your audience and keeps them coming back for more. Aim to create a content calendar and stick to it.
  4. Engaging Visuals: Incorporating visuals such as images, videos, and infographics into your blog posts helps to break up text and make your content more visually appealing. Visuals also enhance understanding and engagement among your readers.
  5. Interactive Features: Consider incorporating interactive features into your blog, such as quizzes, polls, and comment sections. These features encourage reader participation and create a sense of community around your blog.

How to Monetize Your Tech Blog

As a technology enthusiast with an inclination towards writing blogs, you can seamlessly convert your zeal into viable revenue; there are ample methods to earn by monetizing the content of our blog.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and effective ways to monetize a tech blog. With affiliate marketing, you promote products or services on your blog using unique tracking links. When your readers click on these links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.

To get started with affiliate marketing, sign up for affiliate programs offered by tech companies or join affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates program, ShareASale, or CJ Affiliate. Choose products or services that align with your niche and have a high likelihood of being of interest to your audience.

Integrate affiliate links naturally into your blog posts, reviews, or recommendations. Be transparent with your readers about your affiliate relationships, and provide genuine and honest recommendations to maintain trust.

2. Premium Content

Offering premium content is an effective way to monetize your tech blog while providing additional value to your readers. Premium content includes exclusive resources such as e-books, online courses, webinars, or membership sites.

To create premium content, identify the specific needs and interests of your audience. Conduct surveys, engage with your readers through comments and emails, and listen to their feedback to understand what type of premium content they would be willing to pay for.

Develop high-quality premium content that addresses your audience’s pain points and provides practical solutions. Price your premium content strategically to ensure it’s accessible and offers value for money.

3. E-commerce

E-commerce is an excellent option for tech bloggers with an engaged audience. You can create and sell products that cater to your readers’ interests and needs.

Identify products that align with your niche and would be of interest to your audience. For example, if you blog about mobile devices, you could sell smartphone accessories or custom phone cases. If you focus on software development, you could offer coding templates or plugins.

Set up an online store on your blog or use third-party platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce to sell your products. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces for managing inventory, processing transactions, and setting up payment gateways.

Promote your products through blog posts, reviews, and social media. Engage with your readers and provide excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty.

4. Consulting Services

If you have expertise and experience in your tech niche, offering consulting services can be a lucrative way to monetize your blog. Consulting services can range from one-on-one coaching sessions to group workshops or seminars.

Identify your areas of expertise and the specific consulting services you can offer. For example, if you’re an expert in web development, you could offer consulting sessions to help clients with website optimization, user experience design, or technical troubleshooting.

Promote your consulting services on your blog and social media channels. Highlight your expertise, experience, and the value you can provide to clients. Consider offering a free initial consultation to attract potential clients and showcase your capabilities.

5. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are another effective way to monetize your tech blog. In a sponsored post, you collaborate with brands or companies to create content that promotes their products or services. You are compensated for writing and publishing the post on your blog.

To attract sponsors, focus on building a strong personal brand and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche. Reach out to relevant brands or join sponsored post marketplaces such as Cooperatize or IZEA.

When creating sponsored posts, ensure that the content aligns with your audience’s interests and provides value. Be transparent about the sponsorship and clearly disclose any sponsored content to maintain trust with your readers.

Recommended Read: How to Manage Your Business’s online reputation

How Do I Write My First Tech Blog?

Now that you have a good understanding of how to monetize your tech blog, let’s discuss how to write your first tech blog post. Writing a tech blog post requires careful planning, research, and the ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible and engaging way. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Choose a Topic: Select a topic that aligns with your niche and is of interest to your audience. Conduct keyword research to identify popular and relevant topics. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find keywords with high search volumes and low competition.
  2. Research: Gather information from reputable sources, industry reports, and experts in the field. Ensure your information is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your topic. Use a mix of primary and secondary sources to provide a comprehensive view of the subject.
  3. Outline Your Post: Create an outline to organize your thoughts and structure your content. Start with an introduction that hooks the reader and clearly states the purpose of the blog post. Divide the body of the post into subheadings to address different aspects of the topic. End with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and provides a call to action or further reading suggestions.
  4. Write Engaging Content: Write in a clear, concise, and conversational style. Use plain language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse your readers. Break up the text with headings, bullet points, and visuals to improve readability. Incorporate examples, case studies, or personal anecdotes to make your content relatable and engaging.
  5. Optimize for SEO: Research and include relevant keywords in your blog post to improve its visibility in search engine results. Incorporate keywords naturally into your headings, subheadings, and body text. Optimize your meta tags, URLs, and image alt tags for SEO. Use internal and external links to provide additional context and support your claims.
  6. Edit and Proofread: Review your blog post for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure your content flows smoothly, and your ideas are coherent. Consider asking a trusted friend or colleague to proofread your post for an unbiased perspective.
  7. Promote Your Blog Post: Once you’ve published your blog post, promote it through your social media channels, email newsletter, and relevant online communities. Encourage readers to share your content and engage in discussions. Monitor comments and respond promptly to foster engagement and build relationships with your audience.


Transforming your technology-focused blog into a cash-generating venture is very much achievable. You can revamp your writing platform into something prosperous and create supplementary earnings.

The wide-ranging techniques – from affiliate marketing to promotional articles, and online commerce – are all efficient means designed specifically for profiting on your tech blog while encouraging its growth as a viable business.