How to Help Increase Digital Inclusion in Nigeria

How to Help Increase Digital Inclusion in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there is a growing digital divide between the haves and have-nots. The divide exists not only in terms of technology but also in socioeconomic status. The same cannot be said for other countries that are considered to have lower levels of digital inclusion; however, it is true that Nigeria has some unique challenges when it comes to the mass adoption of technology as well as universal access to internet services.

Nigeria has a lot of work to do to increase digital inclusion. There are many efforts made by the government, private sector, and civil society towards this end.

In this article we will look at some of these efforts:

Increase Mobile Money and Data Connectivity

To increase digital inclusion, you can help by increasing mobile money and data connectivity. Mobile money allows people to transfer money via their phones, while data connectivity means that they are able to access the internet on their phones.

Mobile Money:

Mobile money is a payment method that allows users to send or receive funds through an app on their phone. Users can send and receive funds directly from other people using their own bank accounts or accounts at other financial institutions like post offices and banks.

Data Connectivity:

Data connectivity refers to the ability of an individual or business entity to (i) access information about themselves (ii) access information about others through networks such as the Internet or Wi-Fi hotspots/routers etc., thereby enhancing productivity in both commercial activities as well as personal ones such as banking services

Increase Access to Technology

  • Increase Access to Technology
  • Provide the Necessary Infrastructure
  • Focus on the Underprivileged
  • Supporting the Private Sector

Digital Inclusion in Nigeria

Nigeria has a population of 234 million, making it the most populous country in Africa. Nigeria’s population is expected to reach 250 million by 2030 and it’s projected that Nigerian youth make up 44% of that figure

While there are many challenges facing Nigerians today, digital inclusion is one area where we can make a difference through programs like Digital Inclusion for All (DIA).

DIA works with organizations across Nigeria to enable greater access for all citizens in their communities by providing free internet services through mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.

By helping people understand how they can get online using these technologies as well as developing skills around using them effectively, we’re building upon what already exists at home and abroad while creating new opportunities for growth along the way!

Also Read: Grow Your Small Business With These 7 Best Digital Marketing Strategies

Increase the Use of Local Content

Local content is a key component of digital inclusion. It helps to spread the use of local languages, dialects, and cultures by people in different parts of Nigeria.

For example, if you have a website that offers content in the Hausa language only, then it will be difficult for people who speak other languages such as Yoruba or Fulani to access the information on your site because they don’t know how to read Hausa script.

This can result in low retention rates among users since there are few chances for them to interact with each other’s ideas and opinions on issues concerning their respective societies or communities; as well as making it hard for Nigerians living abroad (in places like London) from engaging with one another online through social media platforms like Facebook which are based primarily on English language usage worldwide today despite being spoken by millions across different cultures across Africa alone!

Identify Modalities for Digital Financial Inclusion

As the global economy continues to grow and become more digital, it’s important for governments around the world to keep up with this trend. In Nigeria, there are several ways that you can help increase digital financial inclusion in your country:

Identify the most effective modalities for digital financial inclusion. There are many different types of modalities (including mobile money and payment platforms) that can be used for this purpose; however, it’s important not just to simply identify them but also to figure out why they work or don’t work.

For example, some people might think that only mobile payments will solve all their problems while others might think that only traditional bank accounts need improving upon before achieving full inclusion in society – so these decisions should be made based on evidence rather than speculation alone!

Increasing Digital Inclusion in Nigeria

Digital inclusion is the ability to access, use and benefit from Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). It is a global challenge that requires concerted efforts by governments at all levels, civil society organizations, and private sector businesses.

Nigeria has a population of over 190 million people; however, only 60% are connected to the internet with only 15% having access to broadband services in rural areas. This means that there are still millions of Nigerians who cannot take advantage of this technology which could be used for development purposes or even simply just to improve their quality of life!


Digital inclusion is an important topic in Nigeria, and it’s becoming more critical as the population ages.

However, this initiative is not just about giving people access to technology. It’s also about ensuring that all Nigerians have an equal opportunity to succeed.

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