Business After Pandemic: 5 Best Business Recovery Tips Post Covid

Steps to recover your business from Coronavirus

The effect of the coronavirus on businesses is a global one. All over the world, businesses have had to make a significant change in how they do business. Some have had to adapt, while some have had to totally shut down operations.

With the current situation, business owners need to adopt ways of doing business that they have probably never done before.

How a business is affected by the coronavirus differs as various businesses account for the loss incurred differently. Certain business sectors or industries were affected differently. While some businesses were adversely affected, some are barely gasping for “air.”

business after pandemic
Source: WHO

Business after pandemic: Use these business recovery tips to stay afloat

The pandemic has created a lot of fear and uncertainty in the business world. Many businesses have closed their doors, while others are struggling to stay afloat. If your business was one of the lucky ones that survived this pandemic, then congratulations! However, you are not out of the woods yet.

Many have found it difficult to function as they once did because they lack the necessary resources and expertise that they need in order to recover. But even those who have been affected by this type of event can make use of these tips for business recovery:

1. Shift your focus from panic to planning.

The first thing you want to do is shift your focus away from panic and toward planning. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details of what needs to be done, but it’s not going to help anyone if you spend all day working on that one small thing instead of getting back up and doing something that matters.

Instead of focusing on how many people are sick or how much damage there has been in your area, keep an eye out for things like:

  • How will this affect my customers?
  • What can I do to minimize the damage to my business?
  • Who else has been affected by this event, and how can we work together?
  • What supplies do you need to get your business up and running again?
  • Who can help you get these supplies (and how soon they can arrive)?
  • How much money it’s going to cost you to recover from this disaster?
  • How much money your business has in reserve (if any)?

2. Conduct an accurate assessment of the financial damage experienced

To move forward as a business, you need to take a step back to assess the extent of the damage that happened during the pandemic. By knowing how it affects your business, you are able to compare your results with those of previous years in order to have a clear picture of how badly your business was hit and effectively put business recovery into motion.

Make this assessment of the resources at your disposal—financial, material, and others. Once you do this, you might realize that the effects of the pandemic did not affect your business as badly as you thought. You can then begin to make plans and structure a way forward to rebuilding your business.

3. Understand the new normal for customers.

Understanding what your customers need, and how to communicate with them, is essential in order to survive the pandemic.

It might seem obvious that you should be offering discounts on certain items. The best way around this problem is by simply telling everyone upfront how much money their purchase will cost—even if it ends up being more expensive than usual due to shortages–and then giving them options from there on out by providing discounts if necessary.

Business after pandemic
Business after pandemic: post pandemic business recovery

4. Focus on your people and customers first.

  • Make sure to keep your employees safe and healthy.
  • Make sure to keep your customers safe and healthy.
  • Keep your employees informed of the latest developments in pandemic preparedness, including what you’re doing about it, how it can help them be more productive at work, etc., as well as how they can help with this task themselves—for example, by taking time off work or volunteering with other organizations that have been hit hard by pandemic effects.
  • Keep customers informed of these same things so they know what’s happening at each step (and if something happens that impacts their ability to do business).

5. Examine your plan

With COVID-19 come new measures approved by the CDC. You need to go over your plan to refine or adjust it where necessary. Strategize and re-strategize.

Think of ways that you can perform your business in accordance with these measures and still perform optimally. You might need to consider going digital for certain aspects of your business.

When you carefully examine your business plan, analyze it to know what is working or not working. You can then go ahead and make the necessary adjustments in order to adapt it to the “new normal.”

Also read: 4 Important Metrics to Measure Business Growth

6. Make sure to be flexible and adaptable in your business recovery plan.

The sixth tip is to make sure to be flexible and adaptable in your business recovery plan. You should understand the situation, but not let it dictate your actions. This will help you find ways to adapt quickly if something unexpected happens.

7. Funding

It is no doubt that to move forward, you need funds. Some of the plans you made are dependent on you getting working capital to kick-start operations. It might be difficult to recover loans as a means to kickstart, but in the course of your operations, you might be able to recover some of the loans.

You should look out for government funding, loans from banks, and other credit options available to you.

Regardless of whatever means you use to get funding, ensure that you are fully aware of the terms and conditions attached. That way, you are fully aware of what is expected, so you can devise a means to pay back.

Business after pandemic
Post pandemic business: business recovery tips

8. Restructure your budget

You need to carefully plan what the finances will be. You need to carry out budget restructuring and make plans for your business needs.

You might need to cut costs where needed, but ensure that the major items are factored into the budget. You can also take a cue from other businesses and see how they are adjusting and adapting during this pandemic.

9. Focus on a new marketing strategy for post pandemic business recovery.

If you’re a business owner, it is vitally important to keep your customers and employees happy. But what does that mean? How can you market your business in the post-pandemic world? Here are some tips for how to market your business post pandemic:

  • Keep a focus on delivering excellent customer service and providing value to your customers. This is not just about making sure that your employees are nice to customers, but also being sure that you have systems in place for how to deal with issues like refunds or exchanges.
  • Have an open-door policy: You should be ready to listen to customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This will help you understand what is important to them and how they feel about your products or services.
  • Do not try to sell something that nobody needs or wants.

10. Set Timelines

You should set timelines for some of your goals. You should understand that the business cannot bounce back to its original peak at a go.

But with careful and consistent work towards rebuilding the business, you will be on your way back to recovery in no time. Ensure that your timelines are realistic and achievable.

Bonus Tip

Business after pandemic
Business post pandemic

Prepare for the next crisis

You should put measures in place that will help you deal with the unexpected. Use your experience with the pandemic to rebuild your strategy. Be flexible and ready to make more changes as time goes on.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are scrambling to recover. As a result, they have been forced to regain their customer base and make the most of this second chance.

The key is to focus on your people and customers first before you start focusing on other areas like finances or technology. You need to be flexible and adaptable in order for your business recovery plan to succeed!


As a business owner, you want to be sure that your company is prepared for the worst. With a COVID-19 pandemic as an added risk, it’s even more important to be proactive and make sure your business has taken all necessary steps to ensure its survival in the post-pandemic world.

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