10 Practical Tips For Managing Impulse Buying Easily

Impulse buying is a problem for many people. It can be hard to say “no” when your eyes are drawn to something you want, but it’s important not to give in. With these 10 tips, you’ll be able to manage impulse buying easily:

Never shop when you’re bored.

It’s a fact that boredom makes you want to buy things. But it’s also a fact that boredom makes you more likely to make impulse purchases, which can lead to spending money on things you don’t need and might even hurt your finances.

The fix is simple: when you’re bored, do something else instead of shopping! Find a hobby or activity that will keep your mind off of the urge for distraction (like watching TV or playing video games). You’ll find that this actually helps prevent impulsive buying in general—and anything else worth doing will help keep those urges at bay while they’re still fresh enough in memory to be useful later on down the road!

Leave your credit cards at home.

If you have a credit card, leave it at home. If you have any sort of plastic, leave it at home. Credit cards are convenient—they make buying things easy and fast, and they’re also a quick way to get cash when you need money quickly. But the problem with credit cards is that they can be dangerous if used irresponsibly:

  • They make it easy for people who don’t actually need those items to buy them anyway (or even for people who do need them but don’t want them).
  • They make it easy for people who don’t really want those items but can afford them anyway (or even for people who think they might like these things but probably won’t).

Avoid showroom displays.

When you’re shopping for things like groceries and household items, it can be tempting to walk through a store with a big sign that says “Buy one, get one free!” or “50% off!” These kinds of signs are designed to make you spend more money than usual because they make us feel like we need to buy something. They also often include high levels of sugar and fat (which is why they sell so well), which makes us want more!

If these kinds of offers are too good not to pass up, then make sure that when you do step into the store after seeing one such display—the first thing on your mind should be: “How much did it cost again?”

Also Read: 12 Sneaky Ways To Save Money This December Without Going Broke

Avoid “Just one” purchase.

When shopping, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of finding a good deal. But impulse buying is not just about finding things on sale—it can also be a sign that you’re buying too much.

Avoid “just one” purchase. In other words, don’t buy something just because it’s on sale; instead, think about how many times over the next few weeks or months you’ll use this item and whether or not that makes sense for your budget and lifestyle. If possible, try using cash instead of credit so that there’s less temptation to buy something impulsively with plastic!

Make a list and stick to it

  • Make a list of what you need and stick to it.
  • If you see something that interests you, put it back and come back later.
  • If a product is on sale, buy it!

Use cash only

  • Cash forces you to think about how much money you are spending and where your money is going. This can help keep you on budget and avoid debt, credit card fees, interest charges, and other financial missteps that come with using plastic.

Make your purchase an option, not a must

If you’re not sure about the item, don’t buy it. The last thing you want to do is make a decision that may be regretted later on. If there’s any doubt in your mind about whether or not this item is right for you, then it would be best if you put off buying anything until further notice.

If an object doesn’t seem like something that would appeal to your taste or lifestyle, then don’t spend money on it! You can always bring items home and decide later whether or not they’re worth keeping around in your closet or wardrobe.


You can make impulse buys a thing of the past by using these tips. We hope that this article has given you some great ideas on how to keep your spending in check and your wallet fat-free.

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