5 Things To Teach Your Children About Money

Children’s Day is a time to celebrate the potential of our future leaders. But amidst the celebration, a crucial question often goes unasked: are we equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the financial world that awaits them?

As adults, many of us struggle with money matters from budgeting, savings goals, and even long-term planning. These challenges originate from a lack of financial literacy in our formative years. Imagine the difference a head start could make! By encouraging and understanding of money management principles early on, we can empower our children to become financially responsible adults, equipped to build a secure future.

Here are some financial tips I wish I’d known as a child, along with solutions to integrate these lessons into your young one’s life.

1. Every Naira Counts: Understanding Value

As a child, 50 Naira felt like a fortune. However, understanding the value of money is crucial. Involve your child in age-appropriate budgeting. Let them help you plan for groceries by making a list and comparing prices. This instills a sense of responsibility and teaches them to prioritize needs within a budget.

2. The Power of Work: No spending without earning

Most children receive pocket money without understanding how it’s earned. Try to encourage small chores for allowances. Washing the car, tidying the house, or even running errands can earn them some money. This teaches the value of work and delayed gratification.

Also Read: 5 Saving Goals Every Nigerian Needs

3. Cultivate a saving habit

As adults, there are moments we wish we had started saving earlier. Early saving habits can be transformative and literally life-changing. You can start with a simple local piggy bank ‘kolo’ and create a savings goal with your child. Seeing savings grow fosters a sense of accomplishment and financial responsibility.

4. Not Everything Deserves Your Money: Needs vs Wants

The latest phone or trendy clothes might seem essential, but distinguishing needs from wants is key. Instead of focusing on the latest gadgets or trends, help your child understand the difference between things we need to survive and be healthy (food, shelter, clothing) and things we want that make life more enjoyable (new toys, fancy clothes, entertainment).

5. Talking Money is Okay: Open Communication is Key

Money matters can feel taboo in some households, but open communication is vital.

Incorporate age-appropriate money discussions. Explain how your job allows you to afford things for the family. Discuss basic financial concepts like budgeting and saving. This fosters trust and empowers your child to make informed financial choices later in life.

6. Saving for the Unexpected: The Importance of an Emergency Fund

Dedicate a small portion of your child’s savings to an “emergency kolo” (piggy bank). Explain the concept of unforeseen costs and how this fund can provide a safety net, fostering financial preparedness.

7. Giving Back: Sharing Your Success

Financial responsibility extends beyond personal gain. Involve your child in charitable giving. Dedicate a portion of their savings to a cause they care about. This instills the value of giving back and sharing success with others.

By incorporating these financial principles, we can create a generation of young Nigerians who are financially literate, responsible, and empowered to achieve their dreams. Let’s make Children’s Day a springboard for a future of financial well-being for all Nigerian children.


By integrating these principles early on, we can equip our children with the financial literacy they need to navigate the world and build a prosperous future. Remember, Children’s Day is not just about celebrating childhood, it’s about nurturing financially responsible and empowered young Nigerians.

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